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Zur Kasse
Bestellen mit registriertem Benutzer
Bestellen ohne Registrierung
Bestellen mit Registrierung
Shopnavigation und Artikelsuche

Step 1: search products

To find a desired product you have to klick through the different levels of product categories until you find the desired one or you find your product through the product search, by giving in a product term.


Step 2: Order Product

After having found your desired product you can set limits to define the dimensions or other parameters more clearly.
To order an article please enter into the input box the desired number and klick onWarenkorb hinzufügen Icon-Icon.
The two icons Produkt lieferbar and Produkt nicht lieferbar indicate, if the product is in stock and can be delivered (green) or if not in stock(red), how long the delivery will take in days.


Step 3: Show shopping basket

With a "klick on the cashier border" you reach the shopping basket. Its now possible to look into the previous ordered articles. If a discount is applied om an article, the new prices are shown on the right side of the old, with red colour crossed prices. Furthermore you may use the possibility to change the number of the articles.
If you agree with the order you proceed by using the "continuous box" for the next step.

Auswahl Adressinformationen

Step 4: Specify your adress

You have now 3 alternatives to proceed to the next step.

1. You log on with an already registrated
user name

2. Continue with your registration
3. begin registration as new user during the following order process.

We advise to log in as new user in order to profit from several advantages.


Step 5: Control order

Control your order further on in this last step. If you have made a wrong input or like to change the numbers you can, with a klick on the relevant bar , make the alterations on the right page.